My mbwe-kernel-installer for the WDH1NC10000 (MBWE)

How to use my mbwe-kernel-installer to install your own modified kernel to your WDH1NC10000 (MBWE WhiteLight)

WARNING: This is for Linux experts only!
You use these instructions ON YOUR OWN RISK!

Step 1: Get my installer and install it

You can download and install the latest version of my installer either from my packages page, or directly on your MBWE by typing:

root@wdh1nc10000:~# wget -O installer.ipk root@wdh1nc10000:~# opkg install ./installer.ipk

Step 2: Make backups !

Using my kernel-installer, this can be easily done like this:

root@wdh1nc10000:~# mbwe-kernel-installer --backup

If all went well, it should say "backup ok" and your bootloader, kernel, MBR backup etc. is in the directory '/opt/lib/mbwe-kernel-installer/backup'. Copy those files to your computer (using ssh, ftp or whatever).

Step 3: Install one of my test kernels

Before trying one of your own kernels, please start with one of my tested kernels that already is known to boot. To do so, type

root@wdh1nc10000:~# wget -O uimage-test root@wdh1nc10000:~# mbwe-kernel-installer --install-boot uimage-test

Confirm that you install it on your own risk and on success it should say " ok"
Then reboot your MBWE.

Step 4: Verify that it worked

To verify that you really run the custom test kernel, login to your MBWE (after having rebooted it !) and type:

root@wdh1nc10000:~# cat /proc/version

If you see the following text, then you have success:

Linux version (blip@osiris) (gcc version 4.2.1) #3 Sun Jan 13 15:21:38 CET 2013

If you see the following text instead, something went wrong and you are still running the unmodified kernel:

Linux version (hung@localhost.localdomain) (gcc version 4.2.4) #1 Thu Apr 1 16:43:58 CST 2010

Step 5: Use your own kernel

You can either use one of the kernels I have tested and which are known to work (see below) or you can compile your own kernel as described on my custom kernel page.
